Tuesday, May 11, 2010


                          Fort Stevens
Built in 1863 and made of concrete steel.
We rode our bikes through the  trails to Fort Stevens from our RV, roughly 10 miles. 

  It was really beautiful that day.  We found out that this area looks like this for most of the year, quite pretty.

We finally reached the Fort. Standing at the top of this Fort you could see for miles.  An ideal location to watch for enemy war ships off in the distance.

This Fort guarded the mouth of the Columbia River from potential British attacks during the civil war.

The kids enjoyed checking out all the underground bunkers. 

The six 10 inch rifles on the West Battery were the primary weapons for Fort Stevens.  Strategically located on the Columbia River, the heavy 10 inch shells were designed to penetrate the exterior  armor of enemy ships. They look small in this photo but they are very large.

The Battery Mishler is the most interesting feature at Fort Stevens. It had circular gun pits with 360 degree fields of fire.  It wasn't until the end of World War II that the guns were removed. This battery is the only facility of its kind open to the public in the United States.

Although the big guns have been removed, nearly all the batteries remain and are the primary features of this tour.

This is Cindi and Jasmine way of telling David break time....lets go outside.

I picked up this little window hummingbird feeder and in our travels it has been interesting to watch the different types of hummingbirds feed from it.  They will fly right up to the window and its really neat to sit and watch them.  They have tiny little tongues that come out there long becks, it is really neat to watch them from up close.

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