Friday, May 7, 2010

Beverly Beach, Oregon

                       Oregon Coast 
           The aquarium was a 15 minute drive from Beverly Beach                                 

World's Largest Crabs
 Watching them walk sideways using all their legs was really neat or creepy, I don't know which. We could not believe how big they were.

With a leg span of 13 feet it was amazing to see. They live on the bottom of the pacific ocean near Japan. They feed on dead animals and shell fish.  They live to be around 100 years old.

There was a tide pool and we were given instruction on how to touch the anemones. There were star fish, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, some things we did not want to touch. There were a couple anemones that would hug your finger, yea...and you were really glad when they let go.

Beverly Beach State Park

  We hiked over the tide pool and rock to a secluded part of the beach and found about a dozen sea lions sunning themselves.

They were a bit surprised when they saw us......a few jumped into the water. They were keeping their eyes on us though.

We found a few anemones ourselves out among the rocks....

 David was getting first hand, trade secrets on how to pan for gold. These guys were nice enough to show us there panning tools and techniques. They showed us some of their flakes of gold they found, probably keeping the bigger chunks hidden, nothing to see here move along......

With gold prices what they are these days it pays to pan.  We did not find gold on our excursion but we did find pieces of Oregon Jade and Agates, which are not really worth anything but they are pretty.

Eagle soaring..............

I'm sure this eagle saw us before we saw him.  He watched us come up the beach and would not let us get to close before taking off. Seeing this bald eagle on the beach was incredible. Yesterday at the aquarium we learned that the wingspan of a bald eagle is 6 to 8 feet.

                                      Evening Sunset 
We hurried across the road up over the dune to watch the sunset.  Other people had the same idea as we did.

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