Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bullards Beach, OR

Oregon coast beach line is beautiful. We spent the afternoon walking on the beach and watching the California Sea Lions catch fish as they go in and out with the waves.We walked out onto this pier/rock into the water.  The waves coming in were very rough and a bit intimidating.

A old lighthouse overlooked the bay area with a  beautiful field of yellow flowers  all around. 

Kids ended up in the water trying to stay ahead of the waves coming in.  Wave due in any moment.

The beach area had many different types of rocks, not so many shells at all here. It was fun looking for rocks in the ocean until we had to make a run for it when the waves chased us in. 

  David found a few fossilized clam shell rocks.  We let Cindi and Jasmine run on the beach it was fun watching them chase each other in the sand. 

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