Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Big Bend National Park, Texas

Located southwest of Texas, hundreds of miles from any cities. There were a few people camping here in tents and campers. It is cold this time of year at night to be in a tent. We pulled in and had several spots to choose from.

Our campsite was near the Mexican border, along the Rio Grand River.  The distance across the river into Mexico from our campsite was about 400 yards.  Kids kept trying to throw rocks across the river into Mexico.

  Our first night a pack of coyotes came running through camp, howling and barking, the look on the kids faces were priceless. 

We enjoyed exploring the mountain trails.  We took a lunch and sat atop a hillside that was rock and sand.  Kids got a workout climbing to the top as the sand would bring them back down again, eventually they made it.

As we hiked along the mountain/river we could see the Mexicans cross the river in a boat, in some areas you could cross the river on rock.  They would bring items that they made and leave along the river for visitors to buy.  They would cross back over and wait along the river and watch for people to leave money in their cans or buy something.  The officials discourage people from buying their items, I guess they don;t want them crossing the river. As we waved goodbye to them the kids left a small donation in their cans.  Pictured here are walking sticks, jewelry, rock gems.

Further up the river a man was serenading from across the river, wanting us to stop and look at his items and or leave money. A few Mexicans would arrive along the river on horseback.  Their dogs would sit with their horses while they were walking along the river, dogs were very trained.

We hiked into another area where a hot spring was coming up out of the river.  The locals had built a small stone ledge for people to come and sit in the hot spring.    The kids put there feet in, the temps inside the hot spring tub area was 105 degrees, river temps had to be in the 40 or 50's.

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