Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday - Zion National Park

Simply incredible views.

We hiked/climbed Hidden Canyon trail.  This trail is labeled as a moderate hike.  All I can say is Wow!

A steep ascent with a crossing of an ice/snow flow.  We thought we were going to turn back.  After looking at it awhile, I decided to slowly work across it.  Wasn't too bad at all.

We had to go around the face of the cliff on a ledge about 3 feet wide.  They had heavy guage chains to hold onto.  Looking over the sheer drop off, I could feel a slight bit of vertigo.  "No Problem", I told myself, "just don't look down".  Has to be the scariest thing I have ever felt.

After the ledge, we turned into the "Hidden Canyon".  We continued down the canyon and in several places had to climb over several places where there were small cliffs, boulders and snow flows.

We reached a rather large snow flow and I didn't like the risks.  The melting had exposed some deep crevasses and I could just envision ourselves falling through.  We turned back and had an interesting time climbing down through the canyon.  The return around the cliff face wasn't nearly as frightening as the first time.  Before you knew it we were down off of the mountain.  Our legs were sore and we knew we'd be feeling them the next couple of days.

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