Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Carlsban Caverns, New Mexico

Bat Cave

Located Guadalupe Mountains southeastern New Mexico

From about mid-April to mid-October, thousands of Mexican Free tail bats fly out of Carlsbad Cavern every evening, weather permitting, to eat insects.  Since it was January, the bats had migrated to other Southwest caves in Mexico for the winter. The entrance we went into was the bat cave. I was glad the bats were gone don't know if I could have went in knowing they were up there sleeping. You can take the elevator down to the lower cave or hike in which is what we chose to do.  It was 750 down into the cave, quite awesome.  Camera I had really did not do the sites inside justice but a few did come out.  Temps inside the caves are a cool 56 degrees year around.

David and Kelly completed their Jr Ranger packets and were being sworn in.

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