Friday, June 25, 2010

Glacier National Park, Montana

A very nice lady from Montana runs up to us and offers to take our picture.  This is Montana hospitality she said.

The roads up through the mountains were tight. We left our Rv and drove our car up through Logan's pass.  Parts of the road were under construction, with one lane roads in places.  It was quite thrilling seeing all the beautiful snow capped mountains.  With the snow melting it caused the waterfalls to overflow abundantly. The views were breathtaking.  There's a place atop the mountains called the Weeping Wall.  Water runs off the mountain's ledge at one point onto the road  and if you had your windows down, which we did, you were given a refreshing splash of the coolest water.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Naples, Idaho

 Blue Lake RV Resort

This little  hideaway is tucked in the woods and off the beaten path. I just had to mention this place. There's nothing historical here to see but  It was quite relaxing and nice. We stayed about a week.  The lake was stocked with trout and catfish. It was a catch and release lake.  Everyday we would head to the dock to see what would nibble at our hook. 

The kids loved playing on the giant chess board and Dave and I got to catch up on our ping pong matches, cough, cough, mom is winning.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Grand Coulee Dam, Idaho

 Grand Coulee Dam is the largest hydropower producer in the United States with a total generating  capacity of 6,809 megawatts.  It is the fourth largest producer in the world.

Coulee Dam contains enough concrete to wrap a four-foot sidewalk around the earth twice.

The total length of the  dam is 5,223 feet long, almost a mile.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Steamboat Rock State Park, WA

This was one of the most beautiful state parks we had been in and one of our most favorites. 

Kelly and David enjoying the beach
 It took us an hour and an a half to hike to the top of this huge basaltic rock.  At the top is 600 hundreds of beautiful meadows carpeted with wildflowers and awesome views that overlooked Banks Lake. 

These trails were not long, about 1 1/2 miles and they were steep. RESTING our legs.
      Fields of pretty flowers were everywhere.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Grant County, WA

Once the world’s largest waterfall, the views are incredible when your standing atop this great canyon and take in the sheer expanses of Dry Falls. We were wonderfully surprised when we visited this area.  A staggering 3.5 miles of vertical cliffs drop 400 feet to quiet pools of Dry Falls Lake